82- The difference between PR, marketing and advertising

Right off the top, it’s good to clarify that marketing includes PR and advertising. Let’s say marketing is the umbrella that generally covers five areas, known as the 5 Ps:

  1. Product – definition and description of the product
  2. Price – setting the price
  3. People – the intended target, including the sales and customer service teams
  4. Place – sales network, distribution (where the product is sold)
  5. Promotion – methods: advertising, PR, social media, etc.

The 5 Ps are also called the marketing mix. Some SMEs focus on the 4 P mix, especially if they’re not selling directly to the consumer.

  1. Product – definition and description of the product
  2. Price – setting the price
  3. Place – where the product is sold
  4. Promotion – methods: advertising, PR, social media, etc.

As for the 7 P mix, this often involves companies that specialize in the quick sale, such as inventory liquidation.

Along with the 5 Ps come the following two concepts:

  1. Process: From setting up to customer prospecting to selling the product
  2. Physical Proof: using testimonials confirming a product’s effectiveness and quality

Of course, you can also classify Process under Place and Physical Proof under Promotion.

Are you familiar with inbound marketing?

For us, inbound marketingis very much a part of the marketing mix. This strategy is about creating content to attract visitors to your website. It could easily belong to the P of Promotion.

This strategy, offered by digital marketing agencies (online agencies), consists of preparing landing pages that tell potential customers about services or products. Each of these pages generally contains a call to action such as:

  • signing up for a newsletter to get a free PDF;
  • purchasing a product, sometimes within a limited time;
  • or asking for a call back to try a solution.

The possibilities here are endless and, as you may have already seen, every digital agency has its own inbound strategy. I find this aspect of online marketing fascinating because you can test out this type of strategy with a very limited budget.

I’ll definitely be covering this in more detail in an upcoming podcast.

I hope you enjoyed this episode, and that this PR/marketing moment stimulates your creativity.

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