Our fully bilingual communicators
have established connections to
increase brand awareness for our
clients across Canada.


Our fully bilingual communicators have established connections to increase brand awareness for our clients across Canada.
Natalie Bibeau
Founding President

After 10 years as head of marketing and corporate communications for organisations such as Opéra de Montréal, Théâtre Espace GO, Analekta Records, Pixcom and Parasuco Jeans, Natalie Bibeau creates Nata PR Public Relations. Garnering over 25 years of experience in communications, former classical pianist bestows her rigor, elegance and flair for quality upon serving premium brands.

David Tremblay
Vice-President, Partner

David is a communication “geek”! This loquacious Saguenay native gathered significant experience in marketing and public relations in consumer product industries including fashion, beauty, design, and tourism. An outstanding manager, he is credited with organizing several large conventions for international hair care brands such as label.m, RUSK and Reuzel. David also successfully led public relations campaigns and implemented social media strategies for clients in technology, THE forward-looking sector!

Pamela Samedy
Senior Account Manager

Pamela has a bachelor’s degree in public relations and has always been attracted by the fashion and beauty industry. Pamela is a determined young graduate who relishes a challenge and knows how to make a success of all the projects she undertakes. An advocate of effective teamwork, Pamela brings out the strengths and skills of her colleagues to produce synergistic communications campaigns. A natural optimist, Pamela always sees the glass as half full!

Hadjer Benallou
Junior Account Manager

While continuing her studies in communications, Hadjer excels in her role as a junior account manager thanks to her dynamism and enthusiasm. As a specialist in organic influencer marketing and PR, she consistently exceeds client expectations with her warm approach. Outside of work, Hadjer loves engaging in various physical activities and hates being bored. Her motto: stay active and positive in all circumstances.

Claude Laframboise
Creative Director & Visual Storyteller

A veteran of the Canadian media landscape for more than 20 years, Claude helps lifestyle brands create inspiring story-telling through strong visuals across multiple platforms. His experience with reporting on beauty, fashion and lifestyle lends a journalistic approach to brand story-telling. With a keen eye and meticulous attention to detail, Claude understands the power of good imagery in today’s communications and is an expert at aligning the image with the message.

François Couture
Copywriter and Communications Strategist

With an MA in Creative Writing from the University of Sherbrooke, François founded Les Éditions de l’Effet pourpre in 1999. After the company closed, he worked as a freelance journalist, copywriter, consultant, communication strategist, web publication editor, researcher and press attaché for various companies. In his spare time, he devotes himself to portrait photography.

Guillaume Catusse
Digital Advertising Expert

After starting his career in France, Guillaume then worked as a web planner for various Canadian agencies. Since 2007, he has specialized in social media, as well as optimization (SEO, SEM) and digital advertising. Guillaume has been Google AdWords certified since 2012 and earned the popular Google Partners certification in 2015. He is also a member of French Founders. Guillaume is your essential partner when it comes to simplifying the complex world of cyberspace.

Esther Jean
Communication and Media Placement Strategist

After working in large advertising agencies including Morrow and BCP, Esther specializes in media strategy. Over the years, she has mastered the mechanics of planning, negotiation, and advertising placement. With a vast network of Canadian media partners, Esther was able to build a portfolio of brands including L’Oréal Canada, Desjardins, Mercedes-Benz and the Grands Ballets Canadiens.



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