21- Ten tips for our marketing friends

Before we get started, I want all the marketing pros out there to know that we have nothing but respect for you!

I sincerely believe it’s impossible to understand the scope and power of PR if you’ve never done it yourself.

Here’s what the marketing pros don’t know:

1-  They confuse influencers/journalists with consumers.

2-  They think they know how we should talk to influencers/journalists.

3-  They associate press releases with advertising.

4-  They imagine that we’re in control of publication dates and article formats.

5-  They have some difficulty understanding the concept of “time” in PR.

6-  They associate one product with one mention.

7-  They think we can share our list of influencer/media contacts with them.

8-  They often choose influencers based on the number of fans and forget to find out where those fans live.

9-  They often misunderstand what “organic” implies.

10- They confuse our power to influence with the power dictated by advertising budgets.

I’ll say it again: Don’t be hard on yourselves, marketing friends. What you don’t know about our profession is totally understandable.

This is why I created the Nata PR SCHOOL, and I invite you to register for our training program if you want to know more and learn how to maximize PR actions, which are always helpful and effective in a marketing plan.

Find out about our next training here : www.natapr.com

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