22- Serving at the highest level

At NATA PR, we’re so committed to being a service business that our number one value is serving at the highest level.

Our three core values are always laid out when I first meet with my employees, and every month when I meet up with them, we talk about this number one value.

We always ask each other these three questions:

– How can we serve our customers better?

– Are we still doing the best we can to serve influencers and journalists?

– How can management (me) serve employees better and help them accomplish what’s asked of them?

At the agency, we have three kinds of clients:

1- Brands and companies

2-Influencers and journalists

3-Students in our training courses

There are five steps to serving these three client groups at the highest level:

1- Listening

2- Asking the right questions

3- Putting it into practice

4- Analyzing and correcting

5- Relaunching or continuing the campaign

We’re guides. We’re advisors. We use such a wide range of complementary services that some of them aren’t even included in our contracts or performance indicators.

We’ve guided and trained countless fresh young marketing directors!

Agencies like ours (more than ten years old) have huge contact lists that they put to good use for their clients’ benefit. We also test all the new tools the Internet has to offer, so that we can give our clients the best advice and, ultimately, serve them at the highest level.

If you want to know more and learn how to maximize PR / Social Media actions, which are always useful and effective in a marketing plan, get on our list!

Find out about our next training here : www.natapr.com

360, rue Saint-François-Xavier
Bureau 301 Montreal, QC, H2Y 2S8
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6 steps to a successful campaign