24- PR and Social Media Muscles

I often say that working in PR is like working out at a GYM.

You can read and study all you want about PR, communications, and marketing too… but you won’t be able to work those PR/Social Media (PRSM) muscles very hard for very long until you’ve written to an influencer or journalist with a request.

The good news is that this approach can be learned – and you can do it. That’s right, my business-minded friends, you absolutely have it within you to develop those muscles to introduce yourself, raise your profile, win more clients, and boost your sales.

So, where do you start?

First, ask yourself what your clients are reading and viewing online and in the traditional media.

Create a TOP 10 of the most-viewed platforms and media.

And just like a gym workout:

1-Create a routine for reading and viewing

a. Read newspapers every day

b. View a few Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok pages every day

c. Read magazines once a month

d. Go straight for the sections about your competitors or your field

Stick to this reading routine for at least a month.

2-Take note of the trends and the topics addressed by our influencer and reporter friends, so you can anticipate certain shifts.

As the year begins, every sector issues their predictions and trends:

a. 12 colour trends for the coming year

b. Trends in design, furniture, decorating, cooking, dining, and more

After a few weeks, you won’t read a paper or a blog in the same way.

In fact, I see this PRSM Gym effect every year in our young recruits, who had never developed these viewing or analyzing habits before.

You could even take it further and introduce this practice into your everyday life, like a gym workout.

I also like to compare it to my musical training. As a pianist with a degree in music, I cannot listen to a piece of music without hearing the structure and harmonic sequences.

The same is surely true for movies and radio. With enough analysis, attendance, and practice, discipline inevitably grows strong – as I like to say, like a muscle.

Those muscles are so helpful in achieving and realizing our dreams.

Now it’s time to work your PR/Social Media muscles! Tell me what you’re reading online or on paper.

Get on our mailing lists to find out our next training session dates: www.natapr.com

À la semaine prochaine!

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