212- Public Relations and Employee Advocacy

Hello PR friends!

Are you familiar with this new trend where companies leverage their employees to get the word out about your company?

We’re talking about “Employee Advocacy,” where employees share their work experiences and talk about their employer, its products, and services on their own social media platforms.

The goals here are the same as when you choose an ambassador:

  • Inform
  • Educate
  • Raise awareness
  • Build trust
  • Attract potential talent

The benefits of such a digital strategy are significant:

1. Authenticity and Trust

Employees are seen as authentic voices, which strengthens consumer trust in the brand. Messages conveyed by employees are often more credible than those delivered through traditional advertising or external influencers.

2. Internal Engagement

This approach increases employee engagement and their sense of belonging. They become natural spokespersons, proud to promote their company on social media.

3. Extended Reach

Employees can reach different and often more targeted audiences than usual marketing channels, particularly through their personal and professional networks.

4. Training and Tools

For this to succeed, companies invest in specific training and content management tools for their employees to ensure messages remain consistent and aligned with the brand strategy.

5. **Impact Measurement**

Companies are increasingly monitoring the impact of these initiatives through specific KPIs, such as social media engagement, generated web traffic, or conversion rates.

I often listen to the French news bulletin, the 20h, on my tablet.

A report there highlighted this trend, which I found highly relevant and interesting, especially since it was turned into a PR piece broadcast and featured in a news report.

It was about SNCF, the French railway company that operates numerous train services across the country, including TGV, TER, Intercités, OUIGO, etc.

They interviewed a young train conductor in his thirties who loved sharing his profession with his community.

His passion was so strong that he produced exceptional videos, including scenarios like collisions he had experienced during difficult times.

Then, we saw the communications manager explain why SNCF adheres to this practice:

“No, we don’t pay our employees; they do it of their own free will and are free to share information they find interesting, as long as it doesn’t defame the company.”

The interviewer asked if employees were free to criticize.

“Yes, if constructive criticism doesn’t defame the company.”

In certain fields, the “Employee Advocacy” trend is worth watching closely, especially since Generation Z heavily uses social media.

This is a powerful communication tool if you’re recruiting young professionals in their twenties.

This trend is part of a desire by brands to get closer to their audiences by humanizing their communication and using the voices of those who know the company best: its employees.

What do you think?

Is this a common practice at your company?
Feel free to reach out to me.

[email protected]

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