200- Janylène Turcotte: First Student at NATA PR SCHOOL

For this episode, I have the great pleasure of welcoming Janylène Turcotte, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, ICF Certified Coach, Hypnocoach & licensed Rapid Transformational Therapist  RTT®, You will easily find her on the HypnoCoach website (link in the episode notes)
And in another life, Janylène was a sought-after human resource professional.

For me, she is a high-level hypnosis professional with rare talent and a dear friend to my heart.

If, like me, you wish to explore your beliefs, those that limit you, slow you down, like those little thoughts that always resurface, such as ‘you won’t succeed, it’s not for you…’ well, I promise you that Janylène will help you access your most profound intelligence to free yourself or to help you create new beliefs.

Also, I wanted to invite her to the occasion of the 200th episode of our podcast because Janylène was part of the very first cohort of the NATA PR SCHOOL.

Thank you for accepting my invitation, Janylène.

I always start with a simple question for my guests:
1. Who are you, Janylène Turcotte?
2. I introduced you briefly, but how do you describe your profession and services today?
3. Let’s talk about the NATA PR SCHOOL since you were part of the first cohort. What did you gain from it?
4. What are your practices on social media? Do you focus on one or several social media platforms?
5. Can you tell us where we stand in terms of hypnosis? What are the current trends?
6. What would you say to those who wish to understand how it works and if the NATA PR SCHOOL is worth it?
7. To conclude, what do we wish for you?


📺Watch on YouTube ➤ https://youtu.be/hfJFZllVc_k

➤➤ In this episode
00:00 Teaser – I help people get unblocked
00:27 Introduction
01:10 Episode presentation
05:12 Who are you Janylène Turcotte?
06:50 Hypnosis
14:20 Janylène’s journey at the Nata PR School
18:40 The social media use of Janylène
21:23 Hypnosis, what are the trends?
25:25 What to say to a person who is hesitating about the Nata PR School?
27:13 What do we wish you Janylène Turcotte?
28:41 The doors of the Nata PR Schoole are opening
29:18 Conclusion

➤➤ Where to find Janylene Turcotte
PODCAST ➤ https://www.hypnocoach.ca/podcast-1
LINKEDIN ➤ https://www.linkedin.com/in/janylene/
SITE WEB ➤ https://www.hypnocoach.ca/
FACEBOOK ➤ https://www.facebook.com/janyleneturcotte
INSTAGRAM ➤ https://www.instagram.com/hypnocoach_janylene_aka_jt/

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Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elVQ-IlpGDQ
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