178- Public Relations are Like Going to the Gym

I like to say that public relations is like going to the gym.

You can read about the subject, understand the basic principles, and even discuss it with your colleagues, but if you never go to the “PR gym,” you only grasp a vague theory.

It’s like reading about muscle development and never lifting weights to build them.

Or, for those familiar with meditation, think about those who claim to have read about it and understand without ever having meditated for a single minute in their lives.

Do you see the extent of the lack of knowledge?

We often have these discussions about our profession with many of our marketing friends.

They believe they know everything about public relations, yet often only possess a vague, outdated theory.

But beware, know that I am a marketing professional, and I speak about my colleagues with great affection.

But I know everything they don’t know or don’t understand about public relations.

They don’t know that public relations:

  • is the organic core of any good marketing plan,
  • is there to build connections with influencers who talk about our clients without remuneration,
  • represent 80% of PR results, which are articles and mentions online, thus on the web,
  • is a major element contributing to the enhancement of companies’ SEO,
  • allow for a massive increase in brand visibility,
  • help reach new audiences,
  • consists of articles and online mentions you can share on social media.

Solopreneurs, marketing specialists, I invite you to come to the PR gym with me.

Even if you don’t want to do your own public relations, you will understand what your public relations colleagues and agencies under your supervision do.

Our new program includes 6 modules and 6 live sessions with me. It’s like if you were coming to work at NATA PR agency, and I had to quickly train you to generate results.

It’s simple, effective, and fun. Yes, public relations is a profession where you can truly have fun.

Book your spot today. The doors open on February 6th and close on February 13th, 2024.

Sign up for our lists to not miss anything.

I am here to help you.


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