30- Interview with Amal Amgaad Head of Communications YON-KA PARIS USA

Amal Amgaad is my guest for this episode, where we’ll be talking about our 12-week training course at the NATA PR SCHOOL, which she completed while also moving into her new job at YON-KA PARIS in the United States.

Amal has a degree in international marketing from the ESC Clermont Business School in France. She began her career working for major luxury brands like Hermès, Chanel, and Louis Vuitton. From a junior associate, she worked her way up to Head of Communications and Marketing for a major beauty manufacturer, which brought her all the way to her current position at Yon-Ka Paris in the U.S.

– Welcome, Amal! Thanks for agreeing to join us.

1- If I recall, you enrolled in our course because, in your new position, Yon-Ka was asking you to take on public relations while also juggling marketing and working with influencers. Also, I think Yon-Ka had just ended its contract with a public relations agency during the pandemic, and you had to handle that as well.

2- What were your expectations when the training began?

3- How did you manage both the course and your work? Was it difficult?

4- What were the main benefits of the training?

5- Do you continue to apply some of the PR/Social Media tactics you learned?

6- The pandemic has proven how important digital is. What is Yon-Ka’s position on that? And have you learned tactics that help you in your work with influencers? How do you work with them?

7- Can you give us an outline of Yon-Ka’s communications plan for the next few months? Do you have to adapt to COVID?

8- What do you think of TikTok? Is Yon-Ka on it?

9- How do you see the future of social media in the next three years? (Everything changes so fast on the internet, especially since the pandemic.)

10- What advice would you give to heads of marketing and communications who have to deal with very demanding employers?

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