Just like Lewis Hamilton and Kim Kardashian, all of us have a brain, and 24 hours in a day at our disposal. How we use those two resources, when we’re free and healthy, is up to us.
Like many of you who spend part of the day sitting and working in front of your computer screen, I, too, without thinking too much about it, use my brain – an exceptional tool that we use to operate in society and earn our living.
Are you taking care of your brain? Strange concept, right? Yet people are talking about mental health like never before. What do you do to cool it down at the end of the day? Or what do you do to get even more out of it?
Personally, I’ve added a time for reflection into my morning routine, while everyone in the house is sleeping. It’s often during this quiet period that ideas come to me. They’re the ideas I’ll use to serve my clients better and, ultimately, run the agency, so that all my employees can also benefit.
For some people, these periods when you stop to think are “SUPER THINKING” moments. For me, they’re the moments when I hear myself think, where I let everything come to the surface, including fears, joy and frustrations. I’m letting out the feelings that dwell in me and the thoughts that trigger them. Joy is one of my favourite emotions lately. I can draw on it to work incredibly efficiently, writing up service proposals that contain excellent ideas to make our clients shine.
It’s also during these moments when I’m “hearing myself think” that I hit upon our clients’ unique features – the ones that will be of interest to influencers and journalists.
I have to admit, I also have guilty pleasures for cooling down this wonderful personal computer in my head:
NETFLIX is often my solution for “getting my mind off things”. I know, it’s not a very exotic method, and it doesn’t keep my mind from spinning. Still, for me, watching movies, TV shows, or documentaries lets me disconnect from my everyday flood of thoughts. It’s really a mini brainwash.
How many thoughts do you have in a day? Research data online ranges from 6,000 to 60,000*. It doesn’t much matter where the real number lies. We all know our thoughts are plentiful, and that many of them swirl around until we’re exhausted.
Yes, meditation helps still the hamster wheel that’s constantly spinning inside our head. But there’s nothing like practice (repetitive exercises) to see what’s going on in our head and pinpoint what we’re thinking.
A few years ago, I also discovered professional coaching techniques to help me see things clearly. I carefully studied a super-simple technique with incomparable power, and it’s one I use in all our training courses.
There’s nothing like thinking as a pair to see more clearly and move forward more quickly.
And that’s precisely the approach I offer you in every course. Putting two – or many – heads together gets me a lot further, a lot faster.
Find out about our next training here : www.natapr.com
*SCIENCE & VIE https://www.science-et-vie.com/cerveau-et-intelligence/nous-aurions-6200-pensees-par-jour-en-moyenne-57905