You’re getting to know me and noticing that I like it when things are simple and easy to understand, and that I love to use formulas (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and percentage).
So, here’s my new formula: PR = EASY
Whatever could this mean?
Simply put, over the next 12 months, if you stir a few public relations ingredients into your marketing plan, you’ll see the impact on your SEO shoot upward.
So, what are these ingredients?
1- Write three to six stories – short pieces about you, your business, and your products.
2- Come up with a list of the top 10 media, websites, and influencers you want to approach – if you add five new contacts each month, in a year you’ll have a list of more than 70 contacts.
3- Get to know them – do Google searches to read about, see, and follow what they’re doing.
4- Do your homework on the competition: What are they up to?
5- Create a PR publications – social media plan and try to notify your Top 10 before revealing your news on social media.
If you’re ready for a deep dive into these techniques, contact us. Add your name to our lists, and you’ll be notified about our free webinars and upcoming training sessions. Get on our list :